Obsidian Aspect - The Revenge of Brown Benjamin

I turn you inside out.
Starting at your feet, finishing at your head.
You will scream as I tear muscle from the bones in your legs.
My claw hammer pierces your guts.
Then I rip it up along with your ribcage.
Lacerated skin, peels off as one.
Taking tendons and cartilage along.
Feel your loins disappear up your arse,
Then fall out of your stomach when I tear it in half.
I split your liver, with your tibia.
Shit leaks out of your guts, you half dead fuck.
Heart functions cease, no systolic or diastolic.
Lungs deflate when your throat is exposed.
Blood and pus pool is your empty torso.
Your brain will now die, because I will smash it with my dick.